
This contract does controls over a fund such as pausing, resuming, closing it, and checking its balance, adding checks, removing checks, listing checks, watching balances.

Function Calls

FundV1 Contract Function Calls

initializeCalled once by the factory at time of deployment any subsequent calls will revert. Checks for requestable fund and if a fund is requestable.
getMetaGets and returns metadata (name and focus) of a fund.
getBalancesGets and returns safe balances with addresses of balances of a fund. Different addresses for each different allowed token types.
getDepositAddressForGets and returns deposit address of an allowed token.
isOpenChecks if a fund is open for donation and returns a Boolean indicating status.
isWhiteListedChecks id if it's address is whitelisted and returns a Boolean indicating status.
pausePauses an open fund and returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
resumeResumes a fund if it is paused already and returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
closeCloses a fund if it is not closed already and returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
_setStatusSets status of a fund and returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
_batchSetImplements a batch set insertion.
getCheckGets and returns a specific check from check array.
allChecksGets and returns all checks.
addCheckAdds a check to check array and returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
_setChecksSets initial checks.
_shiftPopPops the top element of an array.

FundV1 Usage

FundV1 Usage

Inheritance Flow

FundV1 Inheritance Relations

Contracts Description Table

Function NameVisibilityMutabilityModifiers
FundV1ImplementationAccessControl, TokenControl
initializeExternal ❗️🛑NO❗️
getMetaExternal ❗️NO❗️
getBalancesExternal ❗️NO❗️
getDepositAddressForExternal ❗️NO❗️
isOpenExternal ❗️NO❗️
isWhitelistedExternal ❗️NO❗️
pauseExternal ❗️🛑onlyRole
resumeExternal ❗️🛑onlyRole
closeExternal ❗️🛑onlyRole
_setStatusInternal 🔒🛑
_batchSetInternal 🔒🛑
getCheckPublic ❗️NO❗️
allChecksPublic ❗️NO❗️
addCheckPublic ❗️🛑onlyRole
removeCheckPublic ❗️🛑onlyRole
_setChecksInternal 🔒🛑
_shiftPopInternal 🔒🛑


🛑Function can modify state
💵Function is payable