
does blablabla...

Function Calls

TokenControl Contract Function Calls

getAllowedTokenGets an address array as an input parameter and returns a list of allowed token contract address with respect to input.
isTokenAllowedGets a tracker address of a token as an input parameter and returns a Boolean indicating value if a token is allowed for deposit.
addTokenGets a token address as an input parameter and add that token to the list of allowed tokens. Returns a Boolean indicating value.
removeTokenGets a token address as an input parameter and remove that token from the list of allowed tokens. Returns a Boolean indicating value.

Inheritance Flow

TokenControl Contract Inheritance Relations

Contracts Description Table

Function NameVisibilityMutabilityModifiers
getAllowedTokensPublic ❗️NO❗️
isTokenAllowedPublic ❗️NO❗️
addTokenPublic ❗️🛑onlyRole
removeTokenPublic ❗️🛑onlyRole


🛑Function can modify state
💵Function is payable