
This contract includes functions to read and update registries.

Function Calls

Registry Contract Function Calls

registeredReturns a list of registered contract names.
getGets a name parameter as an input and return address of the contract with the same name.
batchGetGets an array of names parameter as an input and return addresses of the contracts with these names.
registerGets contract name and contract address as parameters, registers contract address into registry. Returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
batchRegisterGets contract names from an array and contract addresses from an array as parameters, registers contract addresses into registry. Returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
updateGets contract name and contract address as parameters, checks if a contract exists with this name. If exists updates the address of the contract. Else reverts. Returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.
batchUpdate Gets contract’s names and contract addresses as parameters. Updates the address of the contract if name already exist in registry. Else continues with next contract name. Returns a Boolean indicating result of the operation.

Inheritance Flow

Registry Contract Inheritance Relations

Contracts Description Table

Function NameVisibilityMutabilityModifiers
registeredPublic ❗️NO❗️
getPublic ❗️NO❗️
batchGetPublic ❗️NO❗️
registerPublic ❗️🛑onlyOwner
batchRegisterPublic ❗️🛑onlyOwner
updatePublic ❗️🛑onlyOwner
batchUpdatePublic ❗️🛑onlyOwner


🛑Function can modify state
💵Function is payable